I promise you there is more to this site than overpriced fashion, recipes that take 7 hours to actually make (who even has that kinda time, anyways...amirite?!) and a lifestyle that just feels unattainable.
Girl & the (insert your drug of choice here—travel, carbs, style, wellness, self-care, skincare, etc) has been in the works for years, but when your day job and side hustle are all about growing other people's brands...you tend to put yourself on the back burner. i have always been that girl who people come to for advice - travel, love, life, entertaining, tech, marketing, sightseeing...you name it. this domain was originally purchased with the intent of giving my lists a home on the internet, but today it is so much more than that.
I spent much of my 20s living for others - bosses, boyfriends, family, friends, strangers, you name it. i was my last priority. being a total extrovert, i saw no problem with this. i love people and love love.
it wasn't until a couple of big unexpected turns in my curated life that i realized nothing is more important than chasing happiness (even when it feels like it's a marathon away), becoming the best version of you and a creating a life you'd relive.
Girl & the (insert your drug of choice) doesn't exist for me…
It exists for US ☺
Everything you find here has been shared with the intent to help you find joy in the everyday moments whether you're working, playing or just looking for advice on this journey called life. may you stumble upon a subject that encourages you to chase happiness each time you pay a visit to girl & the.

My dearest friend and soul sister, Alicia Filomena Cota, who left this world much sooner than expected.
We always said we were meant to last a lifetime—she may not be here the way i envisioned, but her spirit is very much alive. she is my north star—every caption, every post i write is something i know she would laugh at, text to a friend or feel empowered by. she relentlessly chased happiness and inspires me to unapologetically be true to myself daily. may her beautiful, colorful, authentic spirit, loud laugh and love for adventure live on through each post.