The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
15 Books By Inspiring Women That You Need To Read STAT
From being a bawse to overcoming heartbreak, these books written by women will inspire you
10 Steps To Waking Up Earlier (Even If You Hate Mornings)
Need help hittin' the hay? Pegah has 10 tips for waking up earlier.
Why You Should 100% Send That Thank You Note After A Job Interview
Because you should never question the power of a "thank you"
How to Stop Being "So Busy" + Start Actually Getting Stuff Done
How to stop being "so busy" and
How To Avoid The Comparison Trap (And Up Your Self-Esteem)
Comparison is the thief of joy. So, how do we hold on to our joy and let go of comparison?
35 Acts Of Self-Care (That Almost Cost Literally Nothing)
35 ways to practice self-care that legit cost next to nothing
The Essential London Dining Guide
Whether you're a seasoned local or planning your first trip, here are all the restaurants you have to visit STAT
10 Travel Essentials for the Fitness Minded Babe-on-the-Go
Stay active while traveling with these 10 travel-friendly fitness accessories
21 Things You Need to Buy to Snooze Like Sleeping Beauty
Sleep forward products you can buy for yourself or gift to the nap queen in your life
Recipe: Warm Things Up with Spicy Spiked Hot Apple Cider
The perfect boozy hot apple cider recipe to get you in the mood for holiday festivities
Recipe: A Cocktail For Your Holiday Sweet Tooth
Seasonal spiced cocktail served with a side of dessert. Could you ask Santa for anything more?
Gift Guide: What to Buy The Hostess with the Mostest
Gifts for the hostess with the mostest that aren't a bottle of wine or box of chocolates
Curb Your Anxiety by Letting Go of These 10 Things STAT
Stressed out? Drained!? Been there. Here are 10 things you need to let go of STAT to find more peace in your life.
5 Tips For Getting Your Skin Holiday Party Ready
Licensed esthetician and healthy skincare advocate, Corrinne Russell, shares her tips for getting your skin holiday party ready.
Instagrammers Guide to New York City
Scrolling and double-tapping your way through New York City's most Instagram worthy eateries.
Kids Describe Their Dream Jobs on Sesame Street and It's The Most Inspiring Thing Ever
How Elmo and friends are bringing hope and education to children around the globe
The Quintessential San Francisco Dining Guide
Quintessential San Francisco Food | The best restaurants near Union Square in San Francisco...guide to the 18 quintessential restaurants that make san francisco