The blog
I hope you stay awhile. Everything shared here is designed to help you feel less lonely.
12 Things That Don’t Define You—And Why It’s Time to Let Them Go
Break free from society’s obsession with labels, milestones, and metrics. In this empowering guide, we’re debunking the myths that tie your worth to external factors—like your job title, appearance, or social media followers—and reminding you that your value comes from within. It’s time to embrace your authenticity, ditch the checkboxes, and live life on your own terms.
10 Affirmations You Need To Read Today
Affirmations have the power to rewire your thoughts and change the course of your life. Here’s 10 by Mandy Ansari Jensen to help you get started on your day.
Unsolicited Life Advice from a Rainy Day in New York
Always be the best person you can be. Be kind even when you’re tired. Be understanding even when you’re angry. Do more than you’re asked, and don’t ask for anything in return. Don’t silently expect anything either. Listen when someone talks, and really listen too, stop just thinking of how you’ll reply. Tell people that you love them and that you appreciate them.
Feeling Hopeless? Say These 12 Things to Yourself Now.
Sometimes it’s hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Self-talk is key when you’re feeling depleted and hopeless. Say these 12 things to yourself to help you envision better days ahead.
4 Simple Life Rules That'll Change Your Everyday
Four simple rules that will change your life
9 Reminders For a Rainy Day (Because The Sun Will Always Comes Out Again)
Feel gloomy? Like a grey cloud is looming over you? It happens. And sometimes when it rains, it pours. Here are some reminders for those dreary days.
6 Red Flags in Dating App Profiles
There are plenty of fish in the sea and we are here to help you figure out which fish to toss back in the water and let go for good.
13 Things To Stop Doing ASAP (That'll Move Your Life Forward)
Life is like riding a bicycle. In order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.
34 Lessons I've Learned in 34 Years
I LOVE a good list almost as I love taking a moment to reflect. I’m a firm believer that you can’t hate your past and the lessons that have shaped you if you want to love where you’re going in the future. Here are 34 things I’ve learned since being on planet earth for 34 years.
6 Tips To Make Sure You Nail That Job Interview
You’ve landed that job interview, but now you actually need to nail it and get the job. Here are 6 tips to help you get the job of your dreams.
5 Ways To Quit People Pleasing and Beat Approval Addiction
People-pleasers want everyone around them to be happy, but when you fall into the habit of saying “yes” to everything and everyone—it can become an addiction to feeling needed, important and gaining validation. Very quickly, the desire to help others can turn into having your sense of security + confidence rooted in the approval of others. Here are 5 tips to help you start saying no and stop living to please everyone, but yourself:
4 Ways We Can All Help Prevent Suicide (Beyond Calling Hotlines)
Here are 4 ways you can broach the subject of suicide in a respectful, stigma-free way.
What's The Glass Cliff? 7 Ways Female Business Leaders Can Avoid Falling Off.
The glass ceiling is a real, invisible barrier women face in the workforce as they try to climb the corporate ladder. Even after this ceiling is shattered, women are then introduced to the glass cliff.